Cisco Acquires Sourcefire for $2.7 Billion

July 29, 2013
Acquisition Allows Companies to Provide Continuous and Advanced Threat Protection

With mobility, the Cloud and the evolution of the "Internet of Everything" challenging traditional cybersecurity products, IT departments are forced to look for more dynamic protection against threats from hackers.

In order to provide continuous and advanced threat protection — before, during and after an attack, and from a device to the Cloud — Cisco acquired intelligent cybersecurirty solutions provider Sourcefire. The acquisition is expected to close during the second half of calendar year 2013, subject to customary closing conditions and regulatory reviews, according to ARC Advisory Group.

The board of directors for both Cisco and Sourcefire approved a purchasing price of approximately $2.7 billion, with Cisco paying $76 per share for Sourcefire.

Sourcefire's experience with continuous awareness, threat detection and protection for automated security along with next-generation intrusion prevention systems, firewalls and malware protection will help Cisco fulfill its long-term security strategy to defended, discover and remediate advanced threats. Customers will benefit from Cisco and Sourcefire's intelligent research teams and expanded threat protection.

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