
Watch: How Kinetic Gear Sculpture Demos Mechanical Motion

March 1, 2013
Stock Drive Products/Sterling Instrument System Designed to Illustrate Principals at Future Trade Shows
Source: SDP/SI

A new kinetic gear sculpture has been designed by New York-based metal sculpture artist Andrea Davide for Stock Drive Products/Sterling Instrument (SDP/SI), seller of mechanical components used by the medical, commercial and aerospace industries, to illustrate mechanical motion principles at future trade shows.

The mechanical drive system that allows the gears to move properly was designed by Robert Lindemann, retired vice president of SDP/SI. The ac gear motors inside of the rectangular base of the system rotate the smaller circular base on the top to create motion. Bevel gears in mesh with a larger stationary bevel gear inside the base drive two sprockets attached to the base, according to SDP/SI. The sprockets control the roller chain around the clear circular disks, which in turn creates a rotation around their center shafts that is translated to the internal center gears that moves the entire gear train.

Watch a video from SDP/SI that demonstrates how the system works:

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