Microscan Celebrates 30th Anniversary

May 29, 2012
Technology Innovation in Auto ID and Machine Vision

Microscan, a developer of hands-free automated bar code scanners and decoders for automated systems, is celebrating its 30th year in the Auto ID and machine vision business.

The company was founded in 1982 by Mike Mertel after he incorporated a barcode scanner with a laser diode, creating a smaller, safer and more efficient barcode reading technology.

Microscan's acquisition of Siemens Machine Vision business in 2008 created an innovative mark on history. Not only did Microscan have the leading Auto ID line produced by Mertel, but it gained more than three decades of knowledge in machine vision.

Some of the most significant inventions to shape the company include the development of the first personal computer-based machine vision system and the industry standard 2D code, Data Matrix, according to Microscan's website.

The company continues to grow by creating new products that help its customers save money and guarantee accuracy by providing them with complete information about every step in their process.
Microscan currently owns over 100 patents

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