GM President Stresses U.S. Needs to Better Educate Next-Generation Engineers

Oct. 22, 2012
Mark Reuss Says the Time to Find, Foster Innovation for Tomorrow Is Now

"The young people entering our colleges today are our advanced battery engineers, designers and light metal experts of tomorrow. If they don't choose those paths or are ill-equipped to do so, we will have a skill shortage that will undermine our resurgence in smart manufacturing and technology," said Mark Reuss, president of General Motors North America. Reuss spoke to more than 500 automotive engineers and supplier at the Society of Automotive Engineers' (SAE) Convergence conference in Detroit. In this article, Reuss discusses the U.S.'s critical need to foster innovation and better educate the next generation of engineers in order to transform the automation industry.

Read the full article on Design News.

Want to know more about this topic? Read Managing Editor Aaron Hand's article "Find and Foster Innovation."

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