Fieldbus Foundation Announces First Registered Isolated Device Couplers

Sept. 24, 2012
MTL, R. Stahl Devices Improve Fieldbus Physical Layer Performance, Reliability

Fieldbus Foundation announced that MTL's 9370-FB Series fieldbus barrier and R. Stahl's Series 9411/21 and 9411/24 isolated device couplers are the first devices to successfully complete its thorough registration process. The test specifications are based on Fieldbus Foundations FOUNDATION H1 (31.25 kbit/s).

"The device coupler test specification provides a high level of robustness in fieldbus systems," said Stephen Mitschke, director of fieldbus products. "Recent enhancements to the FOUNDATION fieldbus physical layer specifications provide end users with greater confidence that registered fieldbus equipment can be employed in a tightly integrated, interoperable control system architecture that is well suited to the most demanding industrial environments."

MTL's fieldbus barrier provides a wide range of integrated enclosure systems for quick and safe field maintenance. Surge protection devices fit easily on the trunk and spurs, requiring no re-design of the product.

R. Stahl's isolated device can be used in Zone 1, Zone 2 and U.S. Division 2. The enclosures are available with plastic of stainless steel housings.

"We look forward to seeing additional device coupler offerings joining R. Stahl and MTL on our registered products list," Mitschke said.

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