
Circor Announces Completion of 'World's Largest' Control Ball Valves

Oct. 22, 2012
64 in. x 48 in. Hydraulic Actuated Valves Believed to Be the World's Largest Ever Created
Francesco Caligiuri stands 5 ft. 8 in. tall to show the magnitude of the record-breaking valve. He is a member of the team responsible for assembly and testing of the cage ball valves.
Source: Business Wire

Circor announced that its business Pibiviesse, located in Milan, Italy, completed the production of, what is said to be, the world's two largest hydraulic actuated control cage ball valves.

The 64 in. x 48 in. valves have a 125,500 Cv flow capacity and are designed to control the water flow in a 280 mile pipeline from the Ras Azawr Desalination plant to Riyadh in Saudi Arabia, according to Circor. The valves can control a large range of flow requirements, specifically ones with a high risk of turbulence and cavities.

"These record-breaking valves are a testament to Pibiviesse's ability to innovate and solve difficult control valve applications wherever increasing capacity and pressures are required," said Mahesh Joshi, president of Circor Energy Products Group. "We are proud of the team in Italy and thank them for their dedication to growing the business by expanding our capabilities."

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