Bremen Castings Releases Purchase Order for More Robotic Arms

Oct. 1, 2012
Machine Grind Heavier Parts to Help Reduce Operator Fatigue

Bremen Castings announced that the company will begin a new project with its acquired Fanuc R2000iA (six-axis) robotic grinding arms that will continue to help reduce exhaustion in machine operators.

Since 2011, when the two R2000iA robotic grinding arms were first installed, Bremen has seen a considerable impact on consistency and operational efficiency. Due to the success of the automatic grinding, Bremen has put in a new purchase order for four more robotic arms.

"Safety if our first priority so it is essential that we protect our employees first and foremost," said President JB Brown. "This new equipment not only adds a new level of safety but it also increases productivity."

The project will entail building three robotic cells that will contain six Fanuc R2000iA robots and four different grinders in each cell, according to Bremen. Once the project is complete, machine operators can place castings onto a conveyor belt that will feed them into the robotic cell. The castings are then grinded by the robots and put into a container.

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