Design Your Own Power System Online With Acopian's System Builder

March 21, 2012
Acopian production expertise assures each system will be completely wired, tested and shipped within 9 days

Acopian Power Supplies allows you to "design" your own multiple output power system by simply using their online System Builder, or by calling Acopian and specifying the output voltages and currents and any operating features that you require.

Acopian production expertise assures each system will be completely wired, tested and shipped within nine days after receipt of your order. (If you require non-stocked components, such as special connectors or circuit breakers, more than nince days may be required.)

Ordering an Acopian Power System Online is this easy:

  • Go to our Online System Builder (
  • List the DC output ratings you require, or select the Acopian power supplies that you wish to be included.
  • Determine if any size restrictions are necessary. Assemblies of unusual size or shape (other than 19" wide, or more than 7" high) may require more than nine days.
  • An input power switch with indicator is standard. List any additional assembly features you would like included - output controls, meters, test points, individual fusing or switches, handles, chassis slides, top/bottom cover screens, etc. (If you require non-stocked components, such as special connectors or circuit breakers, more
    than nine days may be required.)
  • A distinctive system model number will be assigned, and a firm price will be quoted. Your completely-wired power supply system will be shipped within nine days.

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