
Participate in Our 2012 Machine Buying Habits Survey

Jan. 23, 2012
We Want to Learn About the Methods You Prefer to Use When You Do Your Automation and Control Products Research

If you're a machine builder or system integrator who works with one, we want to learn about the methods you prefer to use when you do your automation and control products research. We also want to talk directly with a few of you about the subject. Some of you prefer to use your local distributor. Some of you exclusively use vendor websites. Others want to talk directly to product experts at the automation suplier company. Many of you tell us you change primary vendors quite a bit. We want to know why you need to do that.

Let Editor in Chief Joe Feeley know and we'll set it up.

Oh, and yes, we'll bribe you, I mean incentivize you, with prizes to participate.

Get the study's link now and participate.

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