Moxa Expands Warranty Coverage for RTU and Remote I/O Products

Jan. 31, 2011
Moxa Expands Warranty Coverage to 5 Years for RTU and Remote I/O Products

According to Vincent Liu, director of Moxa Automation, Moxa's expanded warranty coverage reaffirms their longstanding commitment to their customers, and also attests to the market-leading quality of Moxa's RTU and remote I/O products.

Other industry providers usually only offer a two- or three-year warranty with a paid warranty extension option.

Moxa's RTU and remote I/O products purchased before January 1st, 2011 are also covered retroactively by the new expanded 5-year warranty, effective from the original date of purchase. The 5-year-warranty is subject to Moxa’s existing warranty policies.

Visit for a list of which products are covered and other details on the new 5-year warranty.

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