
Machine Safety Videos and Survey Report 2010

Oct. 12, 2010
Executive Editor Jim Montague speaks with Fred Hayes, director of technical services at the Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Institute, about the latest trends in machine safety methods and equipment now being used in industrial machines and applications.

Machine safety doesn't cost; it pays. This is because many machine safety tools are getting easier to use, risk assessments are simpler to do, and safety standards are harmonizing. Machine safety is evolving from an obstacle to an opportunity, yet many industry professionals continue to see machine safety as a costly add-on to production. Executive Editor Jim Montague speaks with Fred Hayes, director of technical services at the Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Institute, about the latest trends in machine safety methods and equipment now being used in industrial machines and applications.

Watch part 1 of this video report to learn more.

Watch part 2 of this video report to learn more.

Learn more about this study by downloading the complete survey results.

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