
Your 2010 Control Design Readers' Choice Ballot

May 24, 2010
Check Your Inbox, Our Readers' Choice Ballot Is There! Click on the Survey Invitation to Complete Our 2010 Readers' Choice Award Ballot and Qualify to Win an iPad

This year we're awarding an iPad to one of the study participants.

As a machine controls professional and subscriber to Control Design, your collective experience and judgement of the product value offered by the technology providers in the machine control and automation marketplace is invaluable. If you've chosen not to vote before, please reconsider. This year's ballot is more streamlined.

Complete as much of the survey as your experience allows. The more complete the response, the more valid will be the data we'll present to you in the September issue of Control Design and on

At the end of the survey you'll find an opportunity to enter the drawing for an iPad and that also will award one $100 gift certificate from, Home Depot or Lowes for every 100 questionnaires completed.

In addition, we'll send you an advance copy of the results before the magazine is in the mail.

Vendors are ineligible to vote. Any responses received from vendor representatives will be discarded.

Check your e-mail for the surevy invitation and vote now.

Once again, thanks very much for your participation.

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