FabTech Attendees Hint at Economic Recovery

Sept. 8, 2009
Optimism about the economy is beginning to permeate the ranks of recession-wracked manufacturers

Optimism about the economy is beginning to permeate the ranks of recession-wracked manufacturers, according to a new poll conducted by sponsors of the upcoming FabTech International & AWS Welding Show to be held Nov. 15-18 in Chicago.

 More than half (53%) of the manufacturing executives polled say they see signs signaling the start of an economic recovery. The survey of 1,046 past or prospective registrants of the FabTech event was conducted in late July.

Leading positive signals reported were an increase in new sales inquiries (27%), an increase in orders (23%), reduced layoffs (18%) and the need to replenish inventory levels (14%).

In addition, 27% agree with economists' forecasts that the economy will return to moderate growth in the third and fourth quarters of 2009.

"These findings are in line with what we hear from other industry sectors, as well as economistsí assessments, that the economy is gradually improving," said Mark Hoper, FabTech's show manager. "So, it ís important for manufacturers to take advantage of this pending recovery period."

One planned keynote address during FabTech will offer strategies designed to prepare businesses for the economic turnaround, and other sessions will explore similar issues tied to the economy.

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