Mergers, Alliances and Acquisitions May 2008

May 3, 2008

Yokogawa Electric acquired  Analytical Specialties, a gas analyzer technology company.

Rockwell Automation acquired Incuity Software, supplier of enterprise manufacturing intelligence (EMI) software.

GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms acquired the MTL Open Systems Technology (MOST) product lines.

Adlink Technology acquired Ampro Computers, makers of rugged, industrial products for the transportation and defense industries.

The North American Advanced Manufacturing Research and Education Initiative, an alliance of 60 business, education, economic development, industry, finance and government partners, launched the first phase of its initiative by opening the Rapid Response Manufacturing Center at University of Texas-Pan American in Edinburg, Texas

ASCO and Numatics, business units of Emerson Industrial Automation, merged North American operations as ASCO Numatics.

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