MCAA survey of supplier performance yields mixed results

March 1, 2007
Results of the 2007 Customer Satisfaction Survey indicate buyers, users or distributors of instrumentation want some improvements from MCAA-member vendors.
Results of the 2007 Customer Satisfaction Survey sponsored by the Measurement, Control & Automation Assn. (MCAA) indicate buyers, users or distributors of instrumentation want some improvements from MCAA-member vendors.

Eighty-one percent of survey respondents rated MCAA suppliers very good or excellent for product quality; 74% said products provided were a very good or excellent value, and 76% gave high marks for product design.

The results are less impressive for service. Some 69% found MCAA companies very good or excellent at customer service, 68% thought highly of technical support, while availability of spare parts (54%), repairs (50%) and customer training (51%) were given less praise.

Only 58% were willing to rate suppliers’ web sites and marketing tools as very good or excellent. Overall, however, more than 95% would be somewhat or very likely to recommend the suppliers, and somewhat or very likely to purchase from them again.

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