Invensys, Apprion install managed wireless at chemical complex

July 7, 2006
Invensys and Apprion report they’ve jointly completed the first phase of a managed wireless infrastructure deployment at PPG Industries’ chlor-alkali chemical manufacturing complex in Lake Charles, La.
Invensys and Apprion report they’ve jointly completed the first phase of a managed wireless infrastructure deployment at PPG Industries’ chlor-alkali chemical manufacturing complex in Lake Charles, La. The two partners say they’re providing secure wireless network access for condition monitoring, video security and environmental monitoring, and HMI at PPG. They add this infrastructure will help improve plant profitability, safety, and security, while providing a foundation for more wireless applications in the future.

Following a site assessment, the two firms implemented a common, layered network infrastructure at the site. It incorporates multiple wireless technologies, devices, and enabled applications, including wireless monitoring of temperature condition, site security, and environmental status, as well as secure, wireless laptop and PDA access to the site’s enterprise network.

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