Machine vision market study shows strength ahead in 2006

May 4, 2006
A new study by Automated Imaging Association (AIA), the world’s largest machine vision trade group, shows solid growth in 2005, with continued strength ahead.
A new study by Automated Imaging Association (AIA), the world’s largest machine vision trade group, shows solid growth in 2005, with continued strength ahead. Preliminary results from the AIA study, entitled Machine Vision Markets -- 2005 Results and Forecasts to 2010, indicate that 2005 was a good year for the industry and that 2006 should be even better.

Smart cameras saw the strongest growth in 2005, with a 19.1% increase in units and a 14.4% jump in revenue. Sales of application-specific machine vision systems rose 13.6% in units and 6.4% in revenue. Fast-growing component markets included cameras, optics and vision software.

‘‘Machine vision markets continue to display strength and vitality, with 2005 results building upon the record sales figures of 2004,” said Paul Kellett, AIA’s director of market analysis. ‘‘All indications point to continued growth in 2006, as companies continue to invest in technologies such as machine vision that can help them become stronger global competitors,’‘ he added.

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