
Machine and process safety components added to distributor line card

Jan. 23, 2024
Airline Hydraulics partners with Fortress Safety Products to enhance safety offerings

Airline Hydraulics has embarked on a strategic partnership with Fortress Safety Products to address its customers' evolving safety needs. The automation distributor’s collaboration will bring Fortress’ offerings to Airline’s Machine & Process Safety Assessment (MPSA) Group. Including safety interlocks, machine guarding, access control and other industrial safety equipment will expand Airline’s product range to cater to the requirements of its customers in manufacturing, warehousing and logistics and other industries.

"The partnership with Fortress has created a common avenue for implementing exclusive control,” said Ryan Hayworth, a certified functional safety engineer through TÜV Rheinland and electrical safety controls engineer at Airline. “With their standout trapped-key systems for whole-body access, machine operators can feel safe and confident while working inside a machine. We are excited to offer our customers these products and, by doing so, help foster peace of mind at work."

MPSA, Airline Hydraulics' machine safety division, will support Fortress Safety Products' offerings. The MPSA team will provide technical support and safety training.

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