ISA announces Fluke donation to training program

Nov. 29, 2004
Fluke Celebrates Ten Years in Process Calibration MarketThe Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society (ISA) has announced the donation of 32 calibrators to its training program by Fluke Corp. An event was held Oct. 6 at the ISA EXPO 2004 in Houston, Tex., to announce the donation and celebrate the long-standing partnership between Fluke and ISA. Valued at more than $170,000, the donation marks the ten year anniversary of Fluke introducing the first hand-held calibrators at the ISA EXPO in Philadelphia in 1994."Fluke has been a generous supporter of ISA training and education programs through equipment donations to our labs for ten years," said Rob Renner, Executive Director of ISA.  With this latest donation, Fluke has donated more than seventy 700 series Fluke calibrators to ISA's training labs. ISA trains thousands of technicians, managers, and engineers every year, using state-of-the art equipment from corporate donors.

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