
Linear displacement sensors can stay dumb

Nov. 15, 2005

RECENT RESEARCH by Venture Development Corp. (VDC) found that required levels of performance features for linear displacement sensors are low. In fact, 74% of users surveyed cited no current requirements for sensor diagnostics.

Users also were asked to identify future diagnostic requirements in their linear displacement sensor procurements, beyond those identified as currently required. Nearly 80% of users expected no additional requirements by 2007. Self-testing was again the most identified requirement, with 6% of users expecting to require this feature in the near term. Small segments of users identified myriad other requirements expected to be required in 2007. These include:
          • Accuracy checking
          • Calibration checking
          • Fault annunciation
          • Obstruction indication
          • Open circuit indication
          • Reference point checking
          • Repeatability checking
          • Sensor function checking
          • Short circuit indication
          • Target out of range indication