
Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions introduces Catalyst Motion Group

Aug. 31, 2015
Catalyst offers simple and complex custom high-precision linear and rotary motion systems at any level of integration.

For more information on Catalyst Motion Group visit:

Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions has announced Catalyst Motion Group as a supplier of integrated motion systems. According to Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions, Catalyst offers simple and complex custom high-precision linear and rotary motion systems at any level of integration. 

Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions adds that Catalyst understands the many facets of motion system technology and is focused on harnessing that knowledge to develop next-level application specific solutions. With its resources, Catalyst says it can provide full-service integrated motion system development, design, test and manufacture.

For more information on Catalyst Motion Group visit:

For help with a specific application, call 1-203-725-3852 or email [email protected].

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