MESA International releases KPI markup language

May 27, 2015
Manufacturing companies will have open access to the XML framework for exchanging key performance indicator values and definitions.

MESA International, the non-profit that educates the world about the role and value of Information Technologies in Manufacturing Enterprises, has released a new XML markup language called KPI-ML.

KPI-ML is based upon the ISO 22400 standard: Automation systems integration - Key performance indicators (KPIs) for manufacturing operations management.

KPI-ML will help manufacturing companies implement the ISO 22400 standard thereby increasing the flow of key performance indicators within a business. This will enable manufacturing companies worldwide to reduce the cost of developing software for exchanging KPI data between systems, plants and business units.

KPI-ML consists of XML schemas allowing for a standard representation of generic KPI definitions, specific instances of use of KPIs (such as related to specific equipment), and KPI values for specific KPI instances. The information in KPI-ML is based on the data models and attributes defined in the ISO 22400 standards and complies with the ANSI/ISA 95 and IEC/ISO 62264 Enterprise-Control system integration standards.

KPI-ML continues MESA's work of developing markup languages to help manufacturing companies implement international standards by providing a common XML vocabulary based upon standards. Other MESA markup languages are B2MML (Business to Manufacturing Markup Language) based upon ANSI/ISA 95 and IEC/ISO 62264 and BatchML (Batch Markup Language) based upon ANSI/ISA 88 and IEC 61512. Both B2MML and BatchML are widely used in the manufacturing industry by operating companies, automation suppliers and IT companies providing a common actionable data framework to implement the standards.

KPI-ML is available courtesy of MESA International as a free download at

The ISO 22400 standards are available from the International Standardization Organization (ISO) at

The ISA-95 standard is available from The International Society of Automation (ISA) at

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