IIC launches Smart Printing Factory Testbed

July 3, 2018
The Industrial Internet Consortium's latest testbed aims to automate print production and predictive maintenance

The Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) announced the Smart Printing Factory Testbed. Led by Fujifilm and supported by IIC members Fujitsu, IBM, RTI and Toshiba, the testbed automates print production and predictive maintenance for factory-based printing equipment.

The Smart Printing Factory Platform collects job status, machine condition and production-quality data for factory-based printing equipment using integrated sensors. It then delivers optimized production and predictive maintenance plans. Users can monitor and control printing equipment through a secure IT/OT management console. For legacy printing facilities without digital devices, sensors can be attached to send, store and analyze data.

Fujifilm hosts the Smart Printing Factory Testbed at its site. Supporting IIC members − IBM, Fujitsu, Toshiba and RTI - provide enabling technologies for data acquisition, management console, production planning, design implementation and security.

IIC testbeds are where the opportunities of the Industrial Internet can be initiated, thought through and  tested to ascertain their usefulness and viability before coming to market.

RELATED READING: Bosch, RTI, Huawei & Dell EMC confirmed as new IIC leadership

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