RIA standards committee releases report on testing pressure and force in cobots

May 15, 2019
According to the organization, this an important milestone in standards development as it shows how to test whether or not the PFL collaborative robot is operating within pain threshold limit values

The RIA R15.06 Standards Committee has finalized Technical Report (TR) R15.806-2018 to address the test methods and metrics for measuring pressure and force associated with quasi-static and transient contact events of collaborative applications.

According to the RIA, this new standard outlines the optimal testing methods for power and force in power-and-force-limited (PFL) cobot systems. 

The test methods and metrics are brand new to the automation industry. They determine conditions of the test measurements, measurement devices, and accurate testing methods. This document is supplemental to the R15.06-2012 and enhances the R15.606-2016. RIA now offers a Collaborative Robot Safety Bundle featuring both R15.606-2016 and R15.806-2018.

"This is an important milestone in standards development because it shows how to test whether or not the PFL collaborative robot is operating within the pain threshold limit values of R15.606-2016," said Carole Franklin, RIA director of standards development. "The pain threshold limit values are different for different parts of the human body that the cobot might contact. Collaborative robots have sensors and safety mechanisms built in, but the variety of applications and flexibility of cobots makes it necessary to run tests to ensure that the limits are set appropriately for the type of contact expected."

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