ISA Offers Technical Training Camp

April 25, 2013
Technician, Automation Engineering and Safety Courses to Be Taught During June in Houston

The International Society of Automation (ISA) will be conducting three technical training programs this June in Houston to better meet the needs of the automation and controls community.

The three-part ISA Technical Training Camp is broken into three events:

The camp is sponsored by the ISA Houston Section.

TTBC will be held June 3-7, AEST will be held June 10-14 and SIS will be held June 17-28, broken into two segments. Part one of SIS will be held June 17-21, and will include process safety fundamentals and safety instrumented systems — design, analysis, and justification. Part two will be held June 24-28 and will include advanced Safety Integrity Level (SIL) selection, and advanced design and SIL verification.

"ISA Technical Training Camp provides a very unique opportunity to take one or more of ISA's most comprehensive, world-class training events at one location over a short time period, and at a reduced rate for those attending more than one," says Dalton Wilson, manager of Education Services for ISA. "As a result, students have the ability to learn and master skills more quickly while saving time and expenses."

Students who attend the training camp will have the opportunity to meet with ISA experts and instructors, take an ISA84 SIS Certificate exam, attend plant tours and networking events, receive complimentary ISA technical literature and more.

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