Rockwell Automation Servo drive and motor pairing

Feb. 23, 2021
The Allen-Bradley Kinetix 5100 servo drive and Kinetix TLP servo motor standalone motion solution is available in 480 V for use in a range of OEM applications

The Allen-Bradley Kinetix 5100 servo drive and Kinetix TLP servo motor standalone motion solution is available in 480 V for use in a range of OEM applications. The Kinetix 5100 servo system provides a motion control offering for flexible, standalone machines. Using the Kinetix 5100 servo drive, OEMs can create a motorized or automated system that can help to speed up changeovers. Additionally, with built-in safe torque off, users can remove motor torque without removing power from an entire machine. This allows a machine to restart more quickly after it has reached a safe state. Dual-port EtherNet/IP also supports device-level ring (DLR) topologies.