
International Minecraft 'Builder Bowl' tournament announced

June 3, 2015
The Immersive Education Initiative has announced the International Minecraft "Builder Bowl" tournament, the first in a series of annual immersive technology competitions.

The Immersive Education Initiative recently announced the first in a series of international "builder" tournaments during which students and schools compete against one another to build immersive experiences, content, apps and applications.

The inaugural Minecraft "Builder Bowl" tournament begins this month, with the championship rounds and awards ceremony to be held during IMMERSION 2015 in Paris this September.

Dubbed "the Super Bowl of Building," Builder Bowl tournaments revolve around a wide range of immersive technologies, including Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), simulations, video games, caves and domes, 3D printing and robotics.

The developers say Builder Bowls provide a unique opportunity for learners of all ages to engage in a variety of healthy competitions, express themselves artistically and creatively, develop leadership skills, demonstrate school spirit, collaborate closely with others, conduct basic research and make new friends around the world.  

Speakers and exhibitors at previous events have included the United States Department of Education, NASA, United Nations (UN), Smithsonian, Harvard University, MIT, MIT Media Lab, Stanford University, Disney, Google, Microsoft, Intel, Oracle and many other world-class organizations.

For more information, go here.

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