Media Isolated O.E.M. Pressure Transmitters Series 7LY...10LY

Feb. 1, 2010
The "LY" transmitter line benefits from smaller sensor dimensions, crevice-free diaphragms and low Total Error Band performance.

The "LY" transmitter line benefits from smaller sensor dimensions, crevice-free diaphragms and low Total Error Band performance.

The innovative signal conditioning circuit 'learns' thermally-induced zero and span errors during calibration. Then during operation, bias corrections are applied directly to the analog output signal, with a resolution of 1.5°K, effectively making each correction temperature a calibration temperature. The residual error is therefore determined primarily by the sensor nonlinearity.

The "…LY" line also boasts excellent resistance to electromagnetic interference. The limits of the CE standard, for both conducted and radiated fields, are bettered by a factor of 10, enabling implementation in hostile EMI environments.

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