The next edition of the CIP Safety specification will include services for safe motion applications, reports ODVA. With the addition of these services, users will be able to deploy networked motion control systems using EtherNet/IP and Sercos III in applications requiring safe-motion functions such as safe torque off and safety-limited positions.
As it relates to safe motion, these recent enhancements relied on IEC 61800-5-2 (Adjustable-Speed Electrical Power Drive System – Part 5-2: Safety Requirements — Functional) as a framework. Initiated by ODVA and Sercos International as part of the machinery initiative, the enhancements were developed further by ODVA's technical working group for functional safety, the Special Interest Group (SIG) for CIP Safety. The interest group is a collaboration of multiple vendors with expertise in functional safety and safe motion, including Bosch Rexroth, Rockwell Automation and Schneider Electric, among others, and involves technical expertise from Sercos International.
The resulting CIP Safety services for safe motion include support for drives on EtherNet/IP and Sercos III. The safe motion enhancements to CIP Safety are part of ODVA's semi-annual update of its family of specifications, which, for the second publication cycle of 2013, include more than 20 different enhancements.
In 2006, Sercos International announced that it would adopt CIP Safety as its safety protocol for Sercos. Since that time, ODVA and Sercos International have worked together on enhancements to the CIP Safety specification and its associated conformance tests, as well as on broader industry topics such as machine integration.
ODVA's offer of conformance tests for CIP Safety now extends to devices for Sercos III, EtherNet/IP and DeviceNet. Devices that meet the requirements for ODVA's CIP Safety conformance test and are certified by an authorized competent body for full compliance with IEC 61508 will receive a Declaration of Conformity from ODVA indicating compliance with the CIP Safety specification.
Vendors seeking to prepare for the CIP Safety conformance test will also be able to purchase the ODVA Conformance Test Software for CIP Safety. This software is the same used by ODVA's TSPs to determine compliance with the CIP Safety specification.