Putting smart technology into action

Dec. 5, 2015
Global machine builders are leveraging their uses of connectivity to bring value to customers.

Machine connectivity offers the promise of reduced maintenance costs, improved serialization, less product loss and better safety. In theory, these are all valuable benefits that machine builders can provide to end users. But how much of that vision is actually being implemented?

Mike Bacidore, editor in chief for Control Design, recently attended the Global Machine and Equipment Builder (OEM) Forum at Rockwell Automation's Automation Fair where Andy Pringle, OEM director for Latin America, Rockwell Automation, discussed Smart technology, IIoT-enabled connectivity, The Connected Enterprise and more.

Amedeo Caccia Dominioni, service division director at Italy-based Cavanna, also discussed how they have successfully captured and contextualized machine data.

Click here to read the full article by Bacidore originally posted by our partner brand, Control Global. 

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