2012 Economic Census Measures America's Economy

Jan. 10, 2013

If you're an American business owner, then you should have already received forms for the 2012 Economic Census.

The Economic Census is the U.S. government's five-year measurement of American business and the economy conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Nearly 4 million large, medium and small companies that represent all U.S. locations and industries should have received the forms. Respondents are asked to provide operational and performance data for their companies. Response is required by law no later than Feb. 12.

If you're an American business owner, then you should have already received forms for the 2012 Economic Census.

The Economic Census is the U.S. government's five-year measurement of American business and the economy conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Nearly 4 million large, medium and small companies that represent all U.S. locations and industries should have received the forms. Respondents are asked to provide operational and performance data for their companies. Response is required by law no later than Feb. 12.

If you have yet to complete the forms, visit the 2012 Economic Census Business Help Site. For more information about the Economic Census, visit the U.S. Census Bureau's website.

Don't miss the webinar on Jan. 24 at 1 p.m. EST, hosted by the U.S. Census Bureau that will discuss further instructions about the 2012 Economic Census and how to respond.

Sarah Cechowski is the associate digital editor for Control Design and Industrial Networking. Email her at [email protected] or check out her Google+ profile. 

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