
Three key points for a strong data foundation

April 16, 2024
By centralizing disparate data, supporting integration and scalability and ensuring data quality and governance, industrial organizations can harness their full data potential to drive innovation

For industrial organizations, it is important to establish a robust data foundation across enterprise holds.

Automation World highlights the growing disparity between companies effectively leveraging their data and those struggling with fragmented data silos in a recent article. The strength of an organization's data foundation emerges as a key factor in unlocking the full potential of industrial data.

There are three pillars in building a strong data foundation:

  • connecting and centralizing disparate data,
  • supporting data integration and scalability, and
  • ensuring data quality and governance.

These pillars provide a framework for controls engineers to optimize data management practices, facilitating improved operational efficiency and innovation within industrial settings.

The article underscores the significance of accessible industrial data with context, empowering non-technical personnel to collaborate around data-driven insights. This democratization of data would enable quicker decision-making and fosters innovation in areas like maintenance and reliability.

To learn more about the importance of data for industry leaders, read the full article from Automation World.

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