
National Instruments Releases Its 2015 Trend Watch Report

Jan. 6, 2015
The latest report examines a range of topics from the industrialization of the Internet of Things (IoT), to the growth impact of the maker movement.

For over 30 years National Instruments has been monitoring trends across the industry that help engineers and scientists work in an productive environment. The company does this by informing their users of efficient systems that can accelerate productivity, innovation, and discovery.

In 2014, National Instruments published its first NI Trend Watch and they have just releases the 2015 edition.

According to the industry leader, the latest report examines a range of topics from the industrialization of the Internet of Things (IoT), to the growth impact of the maker movement.

"[We] know that future systems will be based on architectures and technologies that may not even exist yet," said Eric Starkloff, NI executive vice president of global sales and marketing. "We're investigating these trends because we're committed to providing a flexible platform that can incorporate new technologies so that you can build systems to meet your future needs."

By downloading the complete report, you will learn about 5G - The Internet for Everyone and Everything, the impact of IoT on automated test equipment (ATE), industrial IoT (IIoT) and the impact of the maker movement.

Download National Instruments' Trend Watch 2015 to learn more

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