
Building strategic alliances for machine builders

Aug. 24, 2005
 Solution Providers
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AutomationXchange (AX) is a revolutionary event that facilitates strategic alliances. Senior executives who manage the automation investments of leading OEMs of machines, robotics and skids are matched with teams representing innovative solution providers. AutomationXchange (AX) offers three days of concise, efficient meetings between key executives. Click here for more details.

AutomationXchange 2005 was a HUGE SUCCESS! To hear testimonials of participating End Users & Solution Providers, click a link below.

OEM Video TestimonialsBoth Solution Providers and OEM Video Testimonials Need a Media Player? CLICK HERE.Last year's AutomationXchange brought machine builders, end users and solution providers together in a way that couldn't be done at the office or trade shows. Read Editor in Chief Joe Feeley's report, A Professional Xchange of Ideas: Priceless.Go to the AutomationXchange web site for more details about this upcoming event.

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