Treasure Hunt

March 20, 2013

The editorial team here has an ongoing intitiative to find and alert you about helpful, well-written articles or videos, blog posts, etc, that are located somewhere other than on our web site. Yes, believe it or not, there's good stuff out there that we didn't do! When we find it, we post a a brief explanation of what it is, and provide you with a link to find it. We really don't want you to leave and go somewhere else, but we figure that if it's content that might help you do your job, then we need to point it out. It's not like we can just copy it and post it here. 

The editorial team here has an ongoing intitiative to find and alert you about helpful, well-written articles or videos, blog posts, etc, that are located somewhere other than on our web site. Yes, believe it or not, there's good stuff out there that we didn't do! When we find it, we post a a brief explanation of what it is, and provide you with a link to find it. We really don't want you to leave and go somewhere else, but we figure that if it's content that might help you do your job, then we need to point it out. It's not like we can just copy it and post it here. 

We'd also like you to recommend stuff about using and choosing machine automation you've found other places, that we should include in this process. We're hoping to find content about automation that might be relevant to what you customers are thinking and doing, or find some really good 'how to' videos or best get the idea. 

If you don't have something to point out, but have a subject you'd like us to find (or have us create ourselves), tell us about that too.

Joe Feeley is editor in chief for Control Design and Industrial Networking. Email him at [email protected] or check out his Google+ profile. 

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