New Market for Machine Builders

April 23, 2009

In these tough economic times, machine builder nation is actively seeking out new and often non-traditional markets. One area where public and private money is being spent, and where machine builders and their suppliers have related experience, is hydraulic hybrid vehicles.

After all, who knows more about applying and controlling hydraulic power than machine builders? And hydraulic hybrids have some compelling advantages over electric hybrids that just might allow them to win the race for the best technology.

In these tough economic times, machine builder nation is actively seeking out new and often non-traditional markets. One area where public and private money is being spent, and where machine builders and their suppliers have related experience, is hydraulic hybrid vehicles.

After all, who knows more about applying and controlling hydraulic power than machine builders? And hydraulic hybrids have some compelling advantages over electric hybrids that just might allow them to win the race for the best technology.

Like electric hybrids, hydraulic hybrids use a gas engine. But hydraulic hybrids can use the power from the gas engine more efficiently because of three main factors. First, hydraulics decouple vehicle power demand from power supply, allowing the gas engine to run at its sweet spot. Second, hydraulic hybrids can run with the gas engine completely shut off. Third, hydraulic hybrids are extremely efficient at capturing braking energy.

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