
Mexico to become 2018 Hannover Messe partner country

May 4, 2017
Mexico is the first Latin American nation to ever present itself as a partner country

Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal (right), Minister of Economy, Mexico and Dr. Jochen Köckler (left), member of the managing board, Deutsche Messe (Source: Deutsche Messe)

A formal agreement for Mexico’s Hannover Messe partner country participation was signed May 1 by representatives of Deutsche Messe and the Mexican government. Next year's show will run from Apr. 23 to 27.

Industry 4.0, energy and environmental technologies, vocational training, startups and direct foreign investment are the themes that will be featured in Mexico’s 2018 showcase. Mexico will be the first Latin American nation to ever present itself as a partner country.

The agreement was signed by Deutsche Messe’s managing board member Dr. Jochen Köckler and ProMéxico CEO Paulo Carreño in the presence of Mexico’s Secretary of Economy, Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal. ProMéxico is the Mexican government’s international trade and investment promotion agency. 

According to Hannover Messe, almost 80 percent of Mexico’s foreign trade is with countries in the North American economic zone. Mexico is also seeking to negotiate a new, reformed free trade agreement with the European Union aimed at expanding trans-Atlantic trade and investment. Over the years, Mexico has grown as a market and investment location for companies in many European countries, including Germany. More and more German subcontractors are establishing a presence in Mexico in order to service its growing manufacturing industry. Mexico’s energy market liberalization strategy is opening up opportunities as well and the country is the biggest country of destination for German exports to Latin America.

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