GE's ‘outcome optimizing’ controllers for the IIoT

Oct. 5, 2016
How its new control system will allow industry to quickly and flexibly integrate real-time controls with analytics at scale.

Have you future proofed your hardware for the Industrial IoT?

In an article with Smart Industry, GE shares its approach. Using a closed-loop control that aims to bring optimization to the controller, the company’s latest system not only can satisfy short- and long-term control needs but also keeps cybersecurity at the forefront.

Early adopters of the Industrial Internet Control System report a 7% gain in asset performance and 22% increase in efficiency, according to Jim Walsh, president and CEO of GE’s Automation and Controls business. “IICS was designed to help our customers meet the demanding challenges they face every day in running their organizations with increasing efficiency,” Walsh said when unveiling the new system at the recent 2016 Connected Controls Symposium at the company’s Global Research Center in Niskayuna, NY. “With IICS, we’ll be helping customers get more out of their assets—more productivity, more reliability and more profit.”

Click here to learn more about the two structural innovations that help to future proof the system for GE’s customers, ensuring hardware assets are long-lived and optimally functioning.

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