
Control Design launches career-focused enewsletter

Sept. 2, 2015
Get monthly keys to success with the Control Design career enewsletter.

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Starting this month, Control Design will be offering subscribers a monthly enewsletter focused entirely on career tips, industry outlooks, keys to daily success and more.

Currently, the automation industry website and magazine offers its weekly Update Enewsletter, featuring daily updates of top news stories, such as company news, product announcements, technical issues and more, and its Buzz Enewsletter, which is a wrap-up of the most popular content from the week.

Now, in addition to the Control Design Update and Buzz Enewsletters, subscribers will also receive a free, career-focused mailing sent the first Saturday of every month.

To receive the career-focused enewsletter, and/or subscribe to the weekly Update and Buzz mailings, click here. They are delivered to your inbox on a regular basis and you may unsubscribe at any time.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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