Comau to unveil robotic industrial artwork

Aug. 11, 2015
Artwork will mark the way into Comau's North American HQ

On Wednesday, Aug. 12, Comau LLC will host a ribbon-cutting event to unveil its robotic industrial artwork in Southfield, Mich., in Oakland County. The robot will be located at the southern entrance to the city of Southfield in the Telegraph Road median, just north of Eight Mile Road and in front of Comau’s North American Headquarters and Innovation Campus. 

Comau is donating the robot to help identify the city as the automation and technology leader it is. Oakland County is a hotbed of technology research and innovation in a number of fields, including automotive manufacturing and robotics.

Comau will host a tour of its Innovation Campus for city officials in addition to the unveiling event. In conjunction with the ribbon cutting ceremony, Comau employees and invited guests will enjoy their annual picnic as well as an employee classic car and motorcycle show.

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