Dragonfly's New Era of Threat in Industrial Cybersecurity

Oct. 29, 2014
Find out about Dragonfly’s arsenal of attack vectors and the pathways it takes to control systems

As cybersecurity takes on a new meaning these days— with all of the security breaches as of late— Dragonfly seeks to provide the most up-to-date information for the industrial cybersecurity world. 

Last month Belden released "How Dragonfly Hackers and RAT Malware Threaten ICS Security" to announce the newest research by Joel Langill of RedHat Cyber, a leading independent ICS security expert.  This research focused mostly on pharmaceutical targets.

On October 22, 2014, Belden released Part B of its white paper on Dragonfly called "Analyzing the Malware." This whitepaper discusses anew type of threat to ICS security – Offense in Depth.

Find out about Dragonfly’s arsenal of attack vectors and the pathways it takes to control systems.

Read the full article here.

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