Sercos 2013 Product Guide Now Available

Oct. 31, 2013
Guide for Mechanical Engineers, Systems Integrators and Control Unit Manufacturers Who Use or Intent to Use High-Performance Sercos Automation Bus

Sercos International, supplier of the Sercos® automation bus, has announced that the new English edition of its 2013 Product Guide is now available.

The 80-page guide lists approximately 125 providers of Sercos-enabled products and serves as a guide for all mechanical engineers, systems integrators and control unit manufacturers who use the high-performance Sercos automation bus or intend to do so.

The providers cover a wide range of products and services: drives, frequency converters, decentralized I/O peripherals, various sensors and a large selection of control systems. Anyone interested can find the right solution for almost every automation application. In addition to specialized device manufacturers, numerous complete solution providers for different industries such as robotics, machine tools, packaging and printing machines, as well as general automation are listed. Downloaded the guide or request it in printed format by email at [email protected].

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