
Red Lion Celebrates 40th Anniversary

Feb. 14, 2013
Launches New "Better. Together" Website and Expands Product Portfolio to Include Industrial Networking

In commemoration of 40 years in the communication, monitoring and control business for industrial automation and networking, Red Lion launched its "Better Together" website to recognize the company's history of achievements.

The company was originally established in Pennsylvania in the early 1970s as a provider of industrial automation products and has expanded its operations to include more than 15 offices across the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe, according to Red Lion.

Source: Red Lion

In 1996, Red Lion acquired UK-based operator panel manufacturer Paradigm Controls to expand its product portfolio. After realizing Ethernet's potential in industrial applications, Red Lion acquired industrial switches manufacturer N-Tron in 2010. The following year, the company acquired industrial networking solutions provider Sixnet, adding industrial RTUs, Layer 3 switches and cellular M2M products to its product offerings.

"We are currently in the middle of exciting changes, as we celebrate our anniversary and take steps towards bringing N-Tron and Sixnet together as part of a bigger, better Red Lion," Granby said. "The end result? A comprehensive set of products that enable you to connect, monitor and control anything. From one device to a thousand devices. Connecting serially, via Ethernet, or over high-speed wireless networks. Speaking one protocol, or hundreds of protocols. On a single machine, across your factory, or spanning multiple sites all over the globe."

Local media is invited to visit and tour Red Lion's headquarters in York, Pa., in celebration of its 40 years of innovation.

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