Motion Industries Creates Industrial Solutions Video Channel

Sept. 19, 2012
Motion Industries Debuts MiHOW2 Industrial Solution Videdos Featuring Diamond Chain Company Featured in First Video

Motion Industries, a leading distributor of industrial maintenance, repair, and operation (MRO) replacement parts, debuts video channel called "MiHOW2", and has released the first product/application solutions video.  The instructive video series' goal is to share practical industrial applications—such as proper belt alignment—that viewers can adapt in their own facilities.

Each MiHOW2 video was filmed in a workshop setting, and features the Motion Industries host with a guest from one of the market-leading industrial manufacturers— demonstrating a product or application. 

According to Randy Breaux, Motion Industries' Senior VP of Marketing, Product Management & Strategic Planning, the demonstration videos were created to be useful to viewers and customers, by providing application solutions with a good-humored presentation. "Each video addresses a different issue commonly experienced on the shop floor," said Breaux

The first video, "Drive Shaft and Sprocket Alignment Procedures" (you can view it below), offers industrial expertise from Diamond Chain Company, one of Motion Industries' key suppliers and a leading manufacturer of roller chain.

MiHOW2 videos are scheduled to be posted to the new channel during 2012.

Visit the channel to see this and other videos.

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