Fieldbus Foundation Updates H1 Interoperability Test Kit

Oct. 11, 2011
H1 ITK 6.0.1 Resolves Alarm and Descriptor Errors Related to NI-FBUS Communication Manager

The Fieldbus Foundation released H1 Interoperability Test Kit (ITK) 6.0.1, which tests the functionality of an H1 (31.25 kbps) fieldbus device and its conformity with the Foundation function block and transducer block specifications.

The updated test kit, available to members holding an active maintenance agreement, addresses bug fixes to the NI-FBUS Communication Manager (4.0.1) software, which have resolved issues related to alarms and obsolete descriptor errors. It also includes miscellaneous bug fixes to H1 device test cases.

Developed by the Fraunhofer Institute in Karlsruhe, Germany, the H1 ITK consists of a test engine, communication stack and function block interface card. It includes all hardware and software required to ensure a manufacturer’s complete device interoperability as specified by the Fieldbus Foundation’s official registration testing procedure. By using the H1 ITK, device developers can run tests identical to those used by the foundation before submitting their device for official registration.

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