AIA to Cooperate With Korean Machine Vision Industrial Assn.

Dec. 1, 2011
The Automated Imaging Assn. (AIA) Signed a Memorandum of Understanding to Collaborate With the Korean Machine Vision Industrial Assn.

The Automated Imaging Assn. (AIA), a machine vision trade group with more than 315 member companies from 30 nations, has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Korean Machine Vision Industrial Assn. (KMVIA), a year-old trade association representing machine vision in Korea. This follows less than a month after AIA signed a similar agreement with the China Machine Vision Union (CMVU).

Jeff Burnstein, president of the Automated Imaging Assn. (AIA), and Hong-ki Baek, chairman of the board for the Korean Machine Vision Industrial Assn. (KMVIA), sign a memorandum of understanding between the two organizations.

“We are delighted to be collaborating with KMVIA in our mutual efforts to advance the understanding and use of imaging and vision technologies,” said Jeff Burnstein, AIA’s president.

The two associations will collaborate on a range of activities, including an exchange of market data, mutual support for trade shows and technical conferences, promotion of leading global standards, and promotion of member companies and their products and services.

“As KMVIA is a very young association and Korea is a fast-growing market, we expect AIA can give us great help to accelerate growth with fluent experience,” said Hong-ki Baek, KMVIA’s chairman of the board.

One of the first activities AIA will support in Korea is KMVIA’s first trade show in April, where AIA will have a booth and lead a delegation of industry executives interested in doing business in Korea, Burnstein said.

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