After a big rise in December, January’s U.S. manufacturing technology consumption fell slightly, but once again showed significant progress over the previous year’s numbers, according to the American Machine Tool Distributors’ Assn. (AMTDA) and the Assn. for Manufacturing Technology (AMT).
As reported by companies participating in the U.S. Manufacturing Technology Consumption (USMTC) program, January tech consumption totaled $371.41 million. This number is down about 16% from December, but up more than 188% over the $128.82 million reported for January 2010.
“Despite the slight decline in orders from December, the January USMTC report confirms that U.S. manufacturers are reinvesting vigorously to improve productivity,” says Peter Borden, AMTDA’s president. “As equipment deliveries grow longer and commodity prices increase, factories may continue to make these investments before inflation and other factors raise prices further.”