Material handling equipment orders are projected to grow 23.5% in 2010, according to the latest Material Handling Equipment Manufacturing (MHEM) forecast released by the Material Handling Industry of America (MHIA). "We are in the middle of a contraction this year, but the worst appears to be over," said Hal Vandiver, MHIA executive vice president of business development. "The decline in new orders now is forecasted to slow slightly in the last quarter of 2009 and hold the total year decline to 35-38%. We now believe that growth in the 2-3.5% range is possible in 2010."
Material handling equipment shipments are forecasted to contract 35% in 2009 and 5.5% 2010. Domestic demand—shipments plus imports less exports—will contract about 35% in 2009. Exports are forecasted to decline in 2009 and return to growth in 2010. Domestic demand will be down slightly in 2010.
MHEM Forecast
USDOC, Global Insight, MHIA
The MHEM forecast of material handling equipment manufacturing looks 12-18 months forward to anticipate changes in the material handling and logistics marketplace.
The complete forecast can be downloaded at