European Motor Drives Accelerate in China

Sept. 8, 2009
Chinese users of motor drives tend to favor European brands

Chinese users of motor drives tend to favor European brands, according to the results of a user survey compiled and analyzed by IMS Research (

One question in the survey asked users to name the brand of drive that they used in 2007. Of the top five most popular answers, three were European manufacturers ABB, Siemens and Schneider Electric, which together accounted for some 45% of all responses. Mitsubishi and Fuji of Japan completed the top five with a combined 15%. The remaining 40% was split among 22 companies.

The dominance of the European brands perhaps can be explained best by users' perceptions of the products and the suppliers themselves, according to the survey. While products manufactured by Asian firms tended to be thought of as less-expensive solutions, their European counterparts were generally perceived to be industry experts offering premium-quality products, the survey revealed.

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