
Magazine of the Year Finalist Again

June 18, 2008
ASBPE Recognizes Control Design as One of 10 Best U.S. Trade Pubs and a Finalist for Magazine of the Year Honors

In a letter received this week, Control Design editors and staff learned the magazine again has been selected as one of 10 finalists for the American Society of Business Publication Editors' Magazine of the Year Award. The magazine was similiarly honored as one of the 10 Best by ASBPE in 2005.

The letter read in part, "ASBPE's competition recognizes the hard work and commitment of magazine, newsletter, and Web editors and designers. Such an award is a most prestigious acknowledgement that your work has met high standards of excellence and is at the top of the profession." The contest is extremely competitive, and it is an honor to have been selected as a finalist for this award.

The award winner will be announced during ASBPE's National Editorial Conference in Kansas City on July 24.

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